Sunday, November 16, 2014


The preschool through first graders sang at church today. 
 It was pretty darn cute.

 Sam had fun at Sunday school today too.

 Seriously, when did my baby turn into such a big boy???  

Here is a video of their performance. 

After church, the boys wanted to play in the snow.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hoopla - Week 2

Henry was very excited this morning for basketball.   I was excited I was able to go watch since I missed his first week.

 Sam wasn't terribly interested in watching the practice. 

Hopefully the weather cooperates a bit this week and we can work on dribbling the ball and all the fun new skills Henry has been learning.    We better start him young just in case he is unlucky enough to be blessed with my athletic abilities ... or lack thereof.

Jungle Fever

Nothing beats a cold icky day like a trip to jungle.  It was a lovely escape after work!

Orange Leaf for dinner.  It happens when Dad travels for more than three days.

SNOW - November 11

The first snow is finally here.   We've been very spoiled with lovely weather this season, so I guess I can't complain.   As an added bonus, I had the day off work, so I had extra time to get everyone into their winter gear.

I enjoyed a movie with a friend after a brief trip to Malvern to rescue my judge from his hiking trip.

Sam and I also got in a quick Target run before picking Henry up.


Movie Date - November 9

Dave had to leave for a few days to go to Orlando for a meeting.  The boys and I decided to go see a movie after Sunday school to keep the day moving.

Henry LOVED Baymax and Big Hero 6!  It was a great movie. 

Midyear 2014

I can tell that my board meeting/Midyear seminar weekend was crazy busy because I have ZERO pictures and consumed no Orange Leaf.  
The seminar went VERY well. 

 I'm so thankful I have found such amazing friends through ICRA.   

I'm also looking forward to 2017 when we can spend our weekends at Jordan Creek without rushing off to attend a meeting.


Henry had an early day off school, so we ran over to the zoo and snuck in right before the gates closed.  I LOVE off-season at the zoo.  There is never anyone there, and you can stay in the buildings an hour after the gates close.  Then the grounds are open until dusk.   We got a quick trip around the zoo in to wear the kiddos out some before we went home.

After the zoo, we went and got so much needed haircuts.  

I found an Iron Man costume on clearance at Walgreens for $2.93.  The boys thought it was pretty cool.  I figured someone could wear it next year, but it seems it will get lots of use this year despite Halloween being over.